a race demo with a portuegesan (bad spelling?) guy? and against paradoks? WTF is this? :)
Friday 19 Apr 2002, 11:45
den nya innesporten i qw-communityn h?nger du inte med haggan? :))))
Friday 19 Apr 2002, 15:52
Hey, is it just me or para gets his ass owned? P.S - i'm a portuguese guy NOT portuegesan.. really bad spelling :P, if my english was as good as your portuguese u would have a lot of trouble to understand my post :)
Friday 19 Apr 2002, 15:53
Hey, is it just me or para gets his ass owned? P.S - i'm a portuguese guy NOT portuegesan.. really bad spelling :P, if my english was as good as your portuguese u would have a lot of trouble to understand my post :)
Friday 19 Apr 2002, 15:57
ups sorry about posting twice! I hit refresh..
Friday 19 Apr 2002, 18:35
(author not available)
para is definitely getting his ass owned here!
Saturday 20 Apr 2002, 14:16
(author not available)
quite lame demo, really.
Saturday 20 Apr 2002, 15:55
y not a very good demo, but the players are a bit lagged.. anyway i like to see para loose =P
Sunday 21 Apr 2002, 07:27
I wonder.. why everybody hate Para? Maybe cause he is BEST at dm6 ??? So why nobody hates Locktar? He is best at dm2!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh how i hate himmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday 21 Apr 2002, 08:54
(author not available)
IMO Locktar is not the best at dm2! but he surely has style :), and he is a nice guy so we dont hate him hehe I can't hate para cause I dont even know him.. but sometimes he can be such an ass when he looses :)
Sunday 21 Apr 2002, 10:35
Portuguese Guy
This is definetely not a spectacular demo! the recording quality is rather poor :(, i've also heard that they played 3 games and para won the other 2.. anyway gg Doom
Sunday 21 Apr 2002, 15:43
(author not available)
i hate para for his lameass attitude when playing, he got that 'cs-attitude', u know what im talin' 'bout. (and he aint the best, he's good but he is not the best.)
and locktar... i hate him too, atleast to play against him. no fun. cant play a fun game against him, becoz he's just foolin' 'round. now u might say that i take the game to seriously, but i dont. I just like to play a normal good tactical game, like i can do against all the other players. locktar is just being a moron. (mostly on end).
and dag... dag do way to few smileys in a game ;) a few hihi's and some haha's would make the game much more fun. *hehe*
griffin, there we have a jolly good chap. smilys when funny things happen, no whining when loosing. just pure fun, nice tactical games when playing against him. just like it was playin against lakerman when he was around.
Monday 22 Apr 2002, 07:18
Para is not best at dm6 ? So tell me who can beat him there! There some players who can win (Dag,Griffin.....) a single duel against him but such victory is pure LUCK! No one can beat him for example in three games at dm6. If he looses one, hes gona win the two rest. And I think even the greatest players admit that Para is best. At qhlan he defeated even Griffin at dm6. Locktar is fooling around? ;)) You are wrong ;)) Even if you are right just imagine whate he can do with you on dm2 when he is serious!!! ;)))))
Monday 22 Apr 2002, 07:28
PS. to my last post You say: I just like to play a normal good tactical game, like i can do against all the other players. So you dont like when he kills you? ;))) Or you dont like that he doesnt give you RA!!! That sounds like : Para is lama because he takes shaft and kills me! Thats not interesting!!! Dude, this thing is called STRATEGY. He doesnt whant to play tactical game with you (maybe hes afraid ;0) so he tries his best to make some action and arcade.
Monday 22 Apr 2002, 10:43
(author not available)
Those people who think that people hate para because he owns, they're wrong. People hate him because his attitude. Like what happened at sd3 finals. Do you remember his proxy in villains 2 finals? That wasn't allowed as the rules stated. And I personally think that lan games are the most equal games (though even then people can have better computers etc) and only lan game on dm6 between pietro & para I've seen is cottelan and pietro beat him pretty badly there.
Tuesday 23 Apr 2002, 05:20
Agreed.. But that duel with Pietro was long ago and now Pietro doesnt play quake as i know. Am i right?
Tuesday 23 Apr 2002, 06:08
(author not available)
'hmmmmmm', u dont know what ur talking about. _Ianne got nice action and moves, but its still possible to play a serous game against that guy, muc more fun then playing against a 'not-even-close-to-fun' locktar. and there is more players then just dag and griffin that can beat para on dm6. 'even' xalibur can beat him, even though he is a tp player more then a duel player. (nothing bad about xali, but he IS a tp player, not duel).
Tuesday 23 Apr 2002, 11:27
I said (Dag,Griffin..............) this means "and so on". There are too many good players to type them all ;). _Ianne rox thats true. But I dont understand whay are you trying to say? You dont like to play with Locktar? - thats your problem. When you are playing in a championship final do you think about fun game? I bet no... And Locktars style is great for him cause he owns everybody at dm2 and it is not "fooling around", maybe only when he has great frag advantage and understands that his oponent cant overplay him. BTW you say you played with Locktar are you a good player ? Whats your real nick? (just curious) GL
Tuesday 23 Apr 2002, 17:30
(author not available)
maybe he owns most players on dm2, not all, with his boring (yes, i think its boring) playing style. but like i just said, i think its boring. both to watch and to play against. especially (cant spell, help me!:) on end, where he just cant to what every other player is doing : practice aim. noo, he have to jump around behind the pillars and so on, thats one thing that i really hate about him, his end playing style. 'who the hell cares about end' u might say, but thats not the point. when i wanna play end i wanna practice aiming in the middle of the map, and getting airhits. just like all the other players do, but not locktar, hes just being plain boring playin the map with tactics. end with tactics? b o r i n g . . . i havent played him for a long while on dm2, and ive won him (and he have won me too). and no, i won tell my nick here. why? i dont wanna any arguement about this and that and me being lame or not. i wanna leave this 'conversation' here. (sorry about this bad bad BAD english, ive been awake for way to long. normaly it aint this bad, its accually quite good:)
Tuesday 23 Apr 2002, 17:32
(author not available)
and about pietro, he is playing quake with legeartis. 'Durundal'. he is a bit rusty, but still 0wning the posse. :P
Wednesday 24 Apr 2002, 05:31
Yes. End with tactics is boring 8-) Actually I have never met player who plays THAT way on End. Hiding at End is stupid idea. You like tactics as i see so Locktars active gamestyle seems boring to you. Thats OK. I asked your real nick not to call you lame or something like that. And of course i was not going to start an argument about SKILL. The best way to check who owns is to play each other and I doubt that we can ever play. I was just curious maybe you are a leet quaker who played with Locktar and I am trying to explain what means strategy to him C=;P Does Pietro play duels? Is he going to become the greates dueller again? PS: Your english is OK. My english is worse ;P
Wednesday 24 Apr 2002, 14:44
hmm has Hellman quiting qw?, what to se him agains ParadokS
Wednesday 24 Apr 2002, 14:55
(author not available)
hes playing a little bit atleast, i did see him a few days ago playing some duels. he was quite rusty, not the skill that he used to have, but quite nice aim. if he keeps on playing hes going to be one of the top duelers again in a little while.
Wednesday 24 Apr 2002, 18:46
(author not available)
Rusty???? I'd say HELL NO! I think pietro is one of the best duellers even though he doesn't play that much anymore. And those who don't know, dm6 is the map he would choose if he wanted a serious game against someone. Can't think of many players who would beat him on dm4, not to mention dm6. What comes to ParadokS, I think I've seen him playing a lot less than pietro and I personally don't think ParadokS could take pietro on dm6 currently. Besides it's the lans that count as cheating is considerably easy on Internet.
Wednesday 24 Apr 2002, 18:57
(author not available)
If I had to put names of 5 top players in order for each map, I would place them like this: dm4: SoD, griffin, Reload, dag, _Ianne/pietro/ultra dm6: pietro, SoD, ParadokS, dag, ultra dm2: griffin, _Ianne, pietro, Reload, Locktar (not so sure about this one though) Wasn't so sure about 5th place on dm4, so I decided to put them all there.
Wednesday 24 Apr 2002, 22:37
Simple RAPED!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday 25 Apr 2002, 05:34
dm4: Griffin,Dag,Sod,Locktar/Reload,_Ianne
dm6: ParadokS,Griffin,Dag,SoD,Me >;-)))(mayby Dirtbox or something like that or Harlsome - I just dont know who can take this place :)
dm2: Locktar,Griffin,Dag,SoD,Reload
Pietro----- I dont know.. I want to see some of his fresh duel demos to say if he is OK or is he rusty. Griffin won qhlan and beated Dag,Locktar,Paradoks. That explains his high positions in my ranking. _Ianne is cool but lets wait for summer tournaments and see him against some of this guys on lan. Also i doubt about Reloads capability to hold the positions i have placed him in :-) Same thig about SoD. Who is ultra???
PS I think that the Greatest qw player was SK-KANE.
Thursday 25 Apr 2002, 08:20
nice game nice shooting nice Doom rulez hehe :)) no need more komments
Thursday 25 Apr 2002, 08:26
nice player =) nice demo but not in a nice clan :)
Thursday 25 Apr 2002, 11:44
Who the hell is this guy....he rocks!!!
Thursday 25 Apr 2002, 12:07
Who the hell is this guy....he rocks!!!
Thursday 25 Apr 2002, 13:31
(author not available)
pietro doesn't play much duels nowadays but I've seen him playing some about 2 months ago and he was amazing, though not as amazing as SoD. I've only seen SoD playing lately dm4 but I've never seen such aim or map knowledge even from guys like dag or griffin. pietro might have almost as good aim as SoD but he doesn't know dm4 that well. dm6 he knows very well though and I'd really like to see Sod vs pietro on dm6, aim vs aim :P
Ultra is a good player but maybe I should take back that he's as good as pietro or _Ianne. I've once seen him beating pietro twice on dm6 but pietro wasn't playing seriously.
Saturday 27 Apr 2002, 09:59
(author not available)
what about the-interceptor? ;<
Tuesday 30 Apr 2002, 19:22
(author not available)
the-interceptor is very good too, but he is like NEVER lpb so i forgot him :> Don't know how good he is at dm2 or dm6 but he's very good at dm4.
Thursday 02 May 2002, 05:18
(author not available)
ive seen him play lpb once of twice. and those times he beat _Ianne and koopa (koopa with 28 ping and interceptor with 75-80 ping, ie server.)
Sunday 05 May 2002, 06:59
(author not available)
btw, the greatest qw player all time will always be DOOMer
Thursday 23 May 2002, 06:39
Circle would make top 5, he beat sod easily.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 10:51
cheat0r? Why is this demo still up here, if we all know doom used wallhack?