Oh and also - all the games are 3 minute-matches, which makes for some highpaced action on this otherwise boring map.
Saturday 07 Oct 2006, 18:14
Morning games totally groggy and bored. These are probably the most boring rounds of the last 100 3min dm6 i played with casey. But yeah its pretty funny playing 3min rounds - i recommend it to ppl that dont like duel so much. It dont get boring, and you can test some new strategies fast.
Saturday 07 Oct 2006, 23:23
"otherwise boring map"
. . .
"Kiss My (_*_)"
Sunday 08 Oct 2006, 20:45
DM6 isn't boring, but compared to some others it's definately less dynamic.
Monday 09 Oct 2006, 06:32
About the discussion on maps that are or aren't boring, let's not even go there. Or even better, let's all agree on that "endif" is the most boring map, and leave it at that.
Monday 09 Oct 2006, 11:18
nb bsh si rta
Monday 09 Oct 2006, 12:41
endif is fun.
Monday 09 Oct 2006, 20:02
dynamic.... all the maps are quite complex that i don't think you can compare their "dynamicity" although i am not even sure what you mean by that, Mr. pg :)