Duel (DM2)
Rating: 2.4 (10 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
Mon 16 May 2005 on WarGamez.dk #43
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA YA
53 0 18 avenger 18 11 15 12
25 0 3 Locktar 11 30 19 6
52 0 spec leOwn 0 0 0 0
64 13 spec razzia 0 0 0 0
27 0 spec thx1138 0 0 0 0
69 2 spec noel 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 6 avenger, Locktar
Spawn Fragger 2 avenger
Tuesday 17 May 2005, 12:25
Holy shit! LockStar, "dm2 hell on wheels" is stopped by Averager =( a must see!
Tuesday 17 May 2005, 15:01
Nice games, I think that Locktar can play better. It wasn't his day.
Tuesday 17 May 2005, 15:36
Actually we just played for fun, not for demo upload, but if the specs enyoyed the game sure! download em, but dont judge us by the score :)
we all know both ave and me can play more tactical and better, as i said just some games for the fun of it, fgs:)
Wednesday 18 May 2005, 01:57
locktar i still love u

Wednesday 18 May 2005, 08:46
me too
Wednesday 18 May 2005, 12:06
Moi LoCktar, oot paras :={
Wednesday 18 May 2005, 13:51
nice games

obviously locka played for fun, and even with this kind of lock ave had trouble resisting :)
Saturday 21 May 2005, 07:14
iwm BETTER than these2
jk cheese
Monday 23 May 2005, 13:12
nice to see avenger on swedish (?) servers... so, let's see some NEW AVENGER-GRIFFIN demos plz...
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