Duel (DM6)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
Sat 23 September 2006 on OFQSP | Ktpro | Fremont
low avg high team total players RA GA
26 26 26 m 26 1 10 10
39 40 39 x x 17 1 16 5
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths RA GA
26 0 26 m brute- 28 23 10 10
39 0 17 x x enas 19 32 16 5
49 0 spectator phase-1 0 0 0 0
26 0 spectator x|break 0 0 0 0
33 1 spectator juicy_j 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 55.3 brute-
Frag Streak 8 brute-
Spawn Fragger 2 brute-
Unluckiest Spawner 2 enas
Friday 29 Sep 2006, 15:24
good watching material :)

first map is a classic case of one player not hitting his aim groove and another getting all the breaks

second map has a very nice opening by brute. everything is done perfectly by the book, you should take notes on the first 2 minutes of that one :p
Friday 29 Sep 2006, 15:35
ok well maybe not perfectly... but it looked perfect from sane's pov :p
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