  • Diki
  • Harvester^aq
  • Nu55!
  • TuoppI
Rating: 4.9 (58 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Tue 13 December 2005 on WarGamez.dk #43
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad
25 30 40 [fs] 188 4 50 53 13
0 22 30 grhu 118 4 51 59 7
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD
28 0 55 [fs] razor 60 4 35 11 16 5
25 0 47 [fs] spoinka! 48 0 24 16 8 2
26 0 45 [fs] gem 51 3 47 6 19 4
40 0 41 [fs] reppie 43 1 45 17 10 2
30 0 39 grhu Harvester^aq 43 2 40 10 21 2
26 0 28 grhu TuoppI 33 3 62 14 17 2
0 0 26 grhu Nu55! 32 4 55 13 9 2
30 1 25 grhu Diki 31 3 63 14 12 1
39 0 spectator TP•cam 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 0 spectator iop-cam-fsvsaq 0 0 0 0 0 0
103 0 spectator sassacam 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 0 spectator FS-AQ•CAM_NL 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 spectator grisling 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 0 spectator sf•cam 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 0 spectator CAMPL•record 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 67.1 spoinka!
Frag Streak 25 spoinka!
Quad Runner 7 razor, reppie
Spawn Fragger 7 reppie, spoinka!
Unluckiest Spawner 8 Diki
Wednesday 14 Dec 2005, 08:09
Razor = Hell Satan !!!
Wednesday 14 Dec 2005, 18:26
agree .. +forwarder :)
Thursday 15 Dec 2005, 05:23
I watched mostly Reppie and then switched over to Razor on dm3 for a bit. Razor is looking damn good. I hardly recognize his style of play from 7 or 8 months ago, he's looking much more pro these days. There was even a moment there where I had to double check I was watching Razor and not Reppie because their styles look so similar now.

I have to say very nice games, because there was a lot of good gameplay coming from both teams -$
Thursday 15 Dec 2005, 06:02
wtf are u talking about :) i had like 2 q-runs and screwed up both, owned by tuoppi in one, rest of game i just flooded rl/ya but mostly died :)
Thursday 15 Dec 2005, 06:53
Thursday 15 Dec 2005, 13:24
reppie is the best right now. Will be very interesting on qhlan if griffin/dag come.
Thursday 15 Dec 2005, 13:44
he's just constantly lucky thats all 8(
Thursday 15 Dec 2005, 16:18
AQ lost dm2 because they wouldn't give the quads to lohjan dag. True story.
Friday 16 Dec 2005, 07:07
clark zomgix
typiskt dm2 quad-drama 8[
Friday 16 Dec 2005, 11:04
lol @ the razor comments :) haven't really watched the demo, but hmm :) razor is probably still quite rusty since he has been without connection for a while? :) hmm :>
Saturday 17 Dec 2005, 04:27
Thx god Hagge is still sexig!
Saturday 17 Dec 2005, 22:36
too easy!!
Monday 19 Dec 2005, 17:03
Tuesday 20 Dec 2005, 00:49
oneshot is a newb
Wednesday 21 Dec 2005, 07:54
Come on man you're from Sweden! You don't need to hide yourself anonymously, throwing pot-shots at me. I thought Swedes had more integrity than that ;(
Wednesday 21 Dec 2005, 12:50
no we dont :<
Wednesday 21 Dec 2005, 13:13
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