Duel (DM6)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
Tue 06 March 2007 on OFQSP | Ktpro | New Jersey #2
low avg high team total players RA GA
26 26 26 6 21 1 12 12
19 20 19 bjj 9 1 13 9
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths RA GA
26 0 21 6 4ln 22 14 12 12
19 0 9 bjj anm 12 28 13 9
26 0 spectator 4ln beatin the hax 0 0 0 0
21 0 spectator ANM IS DUCK 0 0 0 0
39 0 spectator *anm*•anmilboy 0 0 0 0
41 0 spectator unnamed 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 61.8 4ln
Frag Streak 12 4ln
Spawn Fragger 4 4ln
Unluckiest Spawner 4 anm
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