Duel (DM6)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
Fri 26 August 2005 on Splatterfest Duel 1
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA GA
27 0 21 etor 21 12 19 6
14 0 11 hosenmatzchen 12 23 8 13
40 1 spec _QQC_Q•k!ll3r 0 0 0 0
69 0 spec alx 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 8 etor
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 06:06
why post demos that are 3 months old? although it is allways nice to see adrenalin lose :)
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 07:07
seriously all germans should be banned from here except the members of [FS].
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 08:23
omg who the fuck posted this!!! its 10 yeras old and i dont even remember it and besides ther rae like 10 demos of me and uig already some new ones we just played why post old crap who the fuck keeps posting this shit if not olo (:
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 08:24
and where are the other 2 games on dm4 and dm6 that we played now i remember those games i beat uig on dm4 and dm6 then we had another dm4 and dm6 which i lost where are those 2????? umfg
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 08:25
serously who posts this crap if not uig and olo erm (: and where are the 2 games that i beat him that day just magically disapeard?
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 08:26
who ever keeps posting my demos u can stop now really (:
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 08:48
why don't you make one long post?
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 08:48
I`m gay and i eat cock B<
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 08:59
someone post jogi vs adren
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 09:42
adr3912345092, as long as you keep squirting out 4212134 posts of 100% whine, these demos will be posted. doenst matter if the demo is crap or how old they are since nobody watches them. dont you understand that every qw player is digging through every demo archive on every server looking for adrenalin demos every day to have another good laugh at you? i would almost believe that you're just liking the attention, wether its positive or negative. im not trying to bring you on other thoughts, like stopping to comment on your demos, because i must admit that i visit challenge-tv much more, just to check if theres any new genuine adr4518903 whining. its amusing!
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 09:44
just like the description says: "entertainment"
thats what it is!

//adr3n4332466-post-style-mode off
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 11:40
hehehe (:
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 11:41
VLEESCH im not whining im just saying i owned uig that day beat him on dm4 and beat him dm6 and then someone bosts these bs demos where i loose 1 out of 10 its redicolous hihii
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 12:14
hahaha Ad3N4l1n u sux
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 12:35
adrenalin ;)), dont make so trouble because of a demo.. and aeh, i cant remember that u beat me when we played this games. ;) and it was ~ 1-2month(s) ago
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 15:40
i dont care if you win or lose.
its about your over-reacting on every demo posted...
even if you were some kind of reppie or griffin, the way you react on these demos posted is ridiculous.
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 15:43
i dont care if you win or lose.
its about your over-reacting on every demo posted...
even if you were some kind of reppie or griffin, the way you react on these demos posted is ridiculous.
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 15:45
i just discovered some hidden button next to the time stamp and before "email." ehehe
what is it?
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 18:29
no cancel last. U rule!
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 18:46
blah blah blah

the "hidden" button (hi putty) is an admin button. you enter a password and it lets u delete comments :P
Saturday 19 Nov 2005, 19:24
i just discovered some hidden button next to the time stamp and before "email." ehehe
what is it?
Sunday 20 Nov 2005, 07:53
Matchkey: 2005:8:26 - not that long ago.

"There's not enough light in my room"

I've heard some pretty fucked up excuses from F]Sniper before but this has got to be up there as an all-time lamer. If I remember correctly visibility light comes from "Monitor" on your computer not your room. Most LAN's actually turn the room lights off to reduce the glare on your screen as do I when I play.
Sunday 20 Nov 2005, 07:59
Guys, if you're ever confused as to when the demo was recorded by the server:
1) Play the demo
2) Wait for the countdown (faster to make a cl_demospeed 100 bind to skip by it)
3) Drop down the console hitting the ~ (tilde) key
3) When game begins a Matchkey is posted which stores the date the demo is being recorded to the server. It is shown as Year:Month:Day
Sunday 20 Nov 2005, 10:50
yes thats a good way to tell oneshotflinch but some combat team early versions did not have such a date matchkey... correct me if im wrong, this was introduced like 2001-2002?
Sunday 20 Nov 2005, 13:24
You're probably right phil, but people tend to complain about demos being more than 2 months old as having any relevance to the current scene. So matchkey is a reliable way of checking for that ;)
Monday 21 Nov 2005, 08:00
i have beaten uig lots of times and pretty hardcore this means nothing i win 8 out of 10 games or 9 out of 10 against uig on any map when i loose its on ch tv that day i even beat him 2 times in a row but of course those demos never made it to ch tv (:
Monday 21 Nov 2005, 09:01
I heard 4dr3n4l1n is shisophrenic so forgive him :(
Monday 21 Nov 2005, 15:06
If you're telling it straight then lesson learned:
Save all your games (dl dems from the server after) if you're gonna regret not saving them and save yourself from sounding desperate by making claims you have no way of backing up.
Monday 21 Nov 2005, 17:56
yeah 26 that comment would have been alot cooler if along with it you uploaded a zip pack of like 40 demos of you owning uig :)
Wednesday 23 Nov 2005, 06:35
sorry oneshotflinch and phil i dont upload games or save games when i beat uig he is nothing special in germany so i dont reallz keep track of all the times i beat him sorry i dont need back up in germany everyone knowz im top 3 with jogi and spoink and and everyone seeing me play onb german servers knowz i beat uig almost every game
Wednesday 23 Nov 2005, 06:36
Im sick of my demos being on ch tv why would i then upload more demos of me thats stupid hehe
Wednesday 23 Nov 2005, 09:15
hahahaha top3
Wednesday 23 Nov 2005, 09:36
oh adrenalin u are so ridiculous, but its nice to have such a guy as u, because u make many people laughing..(about u). and adrenalin, whats ur opionion, where is ur place in europe? top 5? ;) for example, i think u beat locktar (lock i dont think so..) easily, hehe. ah and i cant remeber that u beat me so often.. spontaneous i remember only one game where u beat me, which u post immediatley after ur big "success" here on chtv.. (ah and one thing, i have really no problem to lose in qw against anybody)
for now enough, go on adrenalin and provide us more fun about urself. the BIG clown adrenalin.. ok now my last idea for u, put a big L on ur brow and come back to reality.
Wednesday 23 Nov 2005, 13:48
You sure seem eager to convince everyone that you are able to beat UIG in a stride:

"...i beat uig almost every game"

"...i owned uig that day beat him on dm4 and beat him dm6 ...1 out of 10 its redicolous..."

"i have beaten uig lots of times and pretty hardcore this means nothing i win 8 out of 10 games or 9 out of 10 against uig on any map ... i even beat him 2 times in a row..."

You sound desperate and put what little reputation you have on the line to make these claims and it would have been so much cleaner and simpler had you just uploaded some demos to prove this. I personally don't believe you're better than UIG, and I doubt anyone else does, less a few stragglers who enjoy your ranting with nothing solid to back it up. You'll note that the demos we have seen show quite the opposite from which you are claiming and for you at least, UIG is a very good competitor ;)
Wednesday 23 Nov 2005, 14:16

Yes, we've all heard the amazing stories of how Adr3N4l1n beat Locktar, almost beat Dag, almost beat Kovaak on US servers, and either triumphed or came close against every other top player you can think of.

This ties back into my previous post about how Adren loves to make incredible claims but has nothing to show for it.
Thursday 24 Nov 2005, 05:51
i care less oneshotflinch i beat locktar on dm4 before dm6 were close dm2 also u can ask him he was playing as probe. just ask locktar he will tell u its true and dag is ez on dm4 uig is even ezier. Uig u tell me that i post shit beating u on ch tv every time i beat u rofl hahahahahhahhhahhahahahhahah i never post anything i beat u ones what was taht time u faked and i beat u 40 to 4 and what about that time u played as etor and i raped u dm6 and dm4 but those demos never made it ch tv HUH? i think its the other way around every time u beat me u post imediatly cause ur so proud of beating me. We can play any time again and i will rape u as usual ur so ez. uc i dont need to back my shit about beating locktar im simply not proud of it cause i can do it again any given day and he knowz it last time i played dag he didnt look too strong on dm4 and uig again we can play any given day and usually when i beat u i just go on not posting but if u wont il post this time raping u to bits np for me
Thursday 24 Nov 2005, 05:53
if u wonna play dirty uig the game is on il post every demo now when beating u which means 10 demos next week haha
Thursday 24 Nov 2005, 05:56
oh btw rofl uig i just found this demo i hope ppl read the comments that was a while back when i raped u and u droped whining and shit


here is the demo was quite funy so im the clown?
here is just a quote too make it even funier

Adrenalin, thats not ture, or? u didnt told me that u going to up this demo, bah.. lets play again.. and i talked with my gf during the game etc., little sucker.. play me again, than iam going to own u as usual..

hahahhahahhahah owned owned and again owned? but more demos to come uig ur ez now stfu
Thursday 24 Nov 2005, 07:35

Well at least now we can see where the rivalry and demo posting began. Adren it appears that you're the instigator behind all this -UIG vs You- demo posting madness if you did infact post demo #23770. Isn't it a tit hypocritical for you to be calling uiG an idiot for posting demos when it appears that you were the first to post a demo? Publicly embarrass people and expect some retaliation :p

Oh, but it doesn't stop there, nooooo hahaha. We now get a public confession of how Adren really feels about the likes of Locktar and Dag which to some won't come as much of a surprise:

"i beat locktar on dm4 before dm6 were close dm2 ... just ask locktar he will tell u its true and dag is ez on dm4"
Thursday 24 Nov 2005, 07:44
only 24 hours left before we get to see new adrenalin demos \o/
Friday 25 Nov 2005, 06:27
rayzen eyebrowz with the jaguarz kid BEDDDDA WHATCH OUT!!!
Friday 25 Nov 2005, 08:23
LOL. Adren's latest demos average about 35 comments, with more comments than downloads. With every new Adren demo we can expect new debates, critisms and lots and lots of grammar and spelling mistakes \o/
Friday 25 Nov 2005, 13:35
Sick B<
Friday 25 Nov 2005, 13:35
ROFL this is the funniest shit i've read in ...ehm.. weeks.

How old is Adrenalin?

He really has no clue why people laugh at him:)
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