you will see sniper plays like hes drunk from the beginning
gj caspian nonetheless :D
Sunday 30 Nov 2003, 14:39
(the tie-breaker around 8th minute is nice but thats about it)
Sunday 30 Nov 2003, 16:47
Yeah, I got a nice lecture about what a pussy I was after the game. But like I said then, I'll take it.
Sunday 30 Nov 2003, 19:14
thats cause you are a pussy
Monday 01 Dec 2003, 01:49
I had a sinking suspicion this demo would end up I didn't, however, expect Caspian to be the person to upload it. The game was played at around 7 AM on Saturday morning after a night of partying. I was indeed stoned and drunk as phil guessed from the demo. I got tired of Casp's gay defensive style and rushed him near the 8th minute at mega when I had control over RA (as phil pointed out). The ONLY reason I did this was out of complete boredom (it's a known fact I don't like 1v1 dm6 to begin with, and when it's played like this I tend to get annoyed). I had control over RA at the time I made the dumb decision and I normally wouldn't jeopardize control of RA in a serious game. Unfortunately, I see the demos from the games after this weren't uploaded (wonder why). I've said my peace.
P.S. It's f]sniper, not f]sniperman.
Monday 01 Dec 2003, 02:00
I'll tell you why, because I lost. But, they are probably still on googles 1 right now for anyone who wants to see them. For me this was a fun game that I won because I played aggressive at the right time, and defensive at the right time. You claim you controlled the level. You did. Why would I attack someone head-on who clearly has the advantage? I doubt Sun Tzu would recommend it. :) So, I played defensive and you came to me and it didn't work out so well. I'm sure anyone who sees this who knows your play will also know that you'd beat me 99 games out of 100. This just happens to be that one game that I thought I would share. Again, nothing but props for you and I'll be happy to play you again so you can upload a demo of you beating me to assuage your ego if necessary. Good Game!
Monday 01 Dec 2003, 03:42
It's not a matter of ego, but a matter of poor sportsmanship. I'm not saying I acted the way I should have after the game, but I didn't expect such lameness from you as I had played you on numerous occasions before. As I said, I came to you because I was bored of waiting for something to happen. So, I took it upon myself to create it and it cost me the game. Again, I wouldn't do this in a serious game. I just think it's BS the demo ends up here before the next day. No offense to DK, but I think CHTV was better when demos had to be previewed (so rubbish like this doesn't end up here).
Monday 01 Dec 2003, 05:41
Well, I'm glad to see there are no hard feelings.
Monday 01 Dec 2003, 06:57
sniper is just a whiny bitch, i seem to recall sniper refusing to play skitter on dm6 and only play on dm4 to get spanked few times in a row and finally whining on the last game and dropping that he is tired, drunk, hungover, etc etc etc zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................................................
Monday 01 Dec 2003, 10:38
Good game, okay, thanks
Monday 01 Dec 2003, 17:13
Just an observation, but in my opinion it's sniper that has the poor sportmanship and attitude. Your reaction towards this demo, where caspian obviously gives you all the praises in the world, is beyond pathetic.
Monday 01 Dec 2003, 21:34
Anon, I beat Skitter 2 of the 4 dm4 games =P. If you're going to try to insult me at least do it properly (and under your real nickname). And yeah, I refused dm6 because I dislike the map. If he had a problem with me wanting dm4 he could have just left the server (or I could have for that matter). I still maintain it's lame to upload for fun games (thus why I haven't uploaded any demos in retribution, so to speak). And to Anonymous, I don't think it's praise.
Tuesday 02 Dec 2003, 20:05
a total of 22 people have watched this boring demo... who cares.
Wednesday 03 Dec 2003, 23:35
i agree with sniper. caspian (uh, who?has no business uploading this piece of shit just because he won 1 out of 100 games. entertaining demo? hahahahaha, don't make me laugh.
it screams newbie. i miss the days ch-tv screened demos.
Friday 09 Apr 2004, 14:30
I should post the demo from last night, where sniper had like 52 (I had 26) frags compared to Caspian's 24 and Diab's 22 frags (on dm6 nonetheless). I seem to remember Caspian saying something like "it wouldn't be fair if it was 3 v 1" (us three against sniper}. Meh...
Friday 27 May 2005, 01:21
Wow. This demo is a classic. Measure the mature and patient play of Caspian vs. the brash and impulsive play of Sniper. A good lesson on how to overcome a possibly more skilled opponent on dm6 using good instincts and pure moxy. I'll add this one to the list of all time great demos.
Sunday 05 Jun 2005, 17:56
Hehe mature and patient play by Caspian? Defensive vs. me not caring, woop =)