Duel (DM6)
Rating: 4.8 (16 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
low avg high team total players RA GA
13 14 13 drag 22 1 16 4
28 28 28 dmd 4 1 0 0
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths RA GA
13 0 22 drag smaug 22 6 16 4
28 0 4 dmd durundal 6 26 0 0
29 0 spectator t!devotee 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 78.6 smaug
Frag Streak 8 smaug
Spawn Fragger 2 smaug
Unluckiest Spawner 2 durundal
Thursday 25 Apr 2002, 17:04
got an error here
Thursday 25 Apr 2002, 19:19
fixed :>
Friday 26 Apr 2002, 05:06
This was the last recorded demo from hellman. Sad that he dont play qw anymore. He was one of the best on dm6, havent seen him lose. Can anyone send a demo, when he lost on this map?
Friday 26 Apr 2002, 06:16
(author not available)
uh.. really? so that's why i lost dm6 to him once :>
thought he'd be only an average player :]
i bet pietro or paradoks has beaten him on dm6 if they've played.
Friday 26 Apr 2002, 07:20
ehhh.. this is against pietro :)))
Friday 26 Apr 2002, 09:22
Friday 26 Apr 2002, 09:23
double post :<

Paradoks vs Hellman , man i wouldnt lost this ...

the 2 best players on dm6 imo .

ps: hagge is gay :>
Friday 26 Apr 2002, 10:17
Sux movement =[
Friday 26 Apr 2002, 10:53
i speccd this game
hellman only won ONE of xxx games

kinda lame to upload such demos..
Friday 26 Apr 2002, 12:06
Sux moving, average aim - thats all i can see.
Para & Pietro are much better than Hellman.
Actually not only they ;)))
Friday 26 Apr 2002, 16:32
heh, why is it lame to upload a demo if u play good? who cares that pietro won the rest? atleast he doesn?t seem to care cause he didn?t send up any demos :(

ps. I?m not gay Swift so stop flirting with me ;< :))
Friday 26 Apr 2002, 17:58
phaT rape :(( I were hoping that pietro was better...i mean this in a totalty rape :((
Saturday 27 Apr 2002, 02:10
hellman is not bad, take a look at the other demo HellmaN & Haj vs. Link & Cataclysm totaly rape on norways top players. And the demo aginst griffin, but someone have removed it so i cant find it =(

Saturday 27 Apr 2002, 02:13
yes the demo aginst griffin was fun, post it agin chtv!
Sunday 28 Apr 2002, 09:20
HellmaN possesses a skill seldom shown on dm6-demos...he?s entertaining =B-)
Who cares if he lost the rest of the games?
This was entertaining and therefore worth uploading.
GG and keep up the good work!

Monday 29 Apr 2002, 07:14
(author not available)
ApoKa! :D
Tuesday 30 Apr 2002, 18:42
(author not available)
2 average players can rape Link & Cataclysm on any map, since Link & Cataclysm are average players. From Scandinavian point of view of course.
Tuesday 30 Apr 2002, 19:32
yay a fakenickdemo.
gg "smaug"
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 15:55
why are u always talking about the damn movement? is the movement that needs? no? good aim and knowledge about the map, thats whats u need. nothing else, i think its fun to watch someone who dosnt cares about the movement like the most of the good guys in this time. helman didnt care abount hes movement, he cared about hes aim and knowledge at this map. and he won.. do i need to say anymore?
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 16:03
kimbo is such a brat, don't mind him :|.
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 16:35
Thursday 02 May 2002, 15:47
i agree, movement is overrated knowledge of the map show the real skill
Thursday 02 May 2002, 17:23
me suxx ?t inglisck :<
Sunday 22 Sep 2002, 15:08
(author not available)
where is that tot hellman vs. griffin demo anyways?
why was it deleted?
Saturday 19 Jul 2003, 13:44
average aim? the dude got 26%lg.. movement sucked dick compared to 2002, ill agree
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