Duel (DM6)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
Wed 17 April 2002 on CHTV Kteams Pro I
low avg high team total players RA GA
56 56 56 red 19 1 21 3
33 34 33 blue 0 1 4 18
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths RA GA
56 1 19 red slik 20 2 21 3
33 1 0 blue slash 0 20 4 18
15 0 spectator ]tSc[007 0 0 0 0
94 1 spectator whodat 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 95.0 slik
Frag Streak 20 slik
Spawn Fragger 3 slik
Unluckiest Spawner 3 slash
Friday 19 Apr 2002, 07:27
In all seriousness, why do kippo/dk upload slash demos. We all know the quality of the demos by now.
Friday 19 Apr 2002, 10:26
slik is oozing with leetness
Friday 19 Apr 2002, 13:13
Because its slik, I thought he was good and owned slash, am I wrong?
Saturday 03 Aug 2002, 19:51
yea i gotta agree with eveone on the board today .. its gay upload like 100 demos of yourself cause its just redicolous trying to post demo where u actually played good and then brag to eveyone about it by posting? (: i mean if u keep it up nobody will play u 1v1 anymore im sure of that..
Wednesday 07 Aug 2002, 00:34
slik fucks shit up.
Monday 02 Sep 2002, 17:29
uh stfu nayc bitch ass
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