Team Deathmatch (DM3)
  • _ Gamer
  • • Goljat
  • _ hib
  • • ParadokS
  • cougar
  • mate
  • razor
  • Scenic
Rating: 3.0 (6 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Sun 07 September 2003 on EUnet Z Team #0
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad Pent Ring
13 20 26 ]sr[ 229 4 21 34 15 2 2
12 18 27 grhu 79 4 27 18 5 2 2
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD PENT RING
25 0 73 ]sr[ • ParadokS 73 0 16 8 4 6 0 0
13 0 60 ]sr[ _ Gamer 66 2 39 6 7 4 1 1
13 0 50 ]sr[ • Goljat 51 0 23 3 14 2 0 0
26 0 46 ]sr[ _ hib 50 0 35 4 9 3 1 1
27 0 29 grhu razor 33 1 64 7 9 2 1 0
19 0 28 grhu Scenic 31 0 72 4 2 1 0 0
12 0 15 grhu mate 17 1 61 5 5 0 0 1
13 0 7 grhu cougar 12 2 63 11 2 2 1 1
266 8 spectator unnamed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 0 spectator QurRe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 0 spectator Sihvo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 0 spectator jOn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 82.0 • ParadokS
Frag Streak 27 • ParadokS
Quad Runner 8 • ParadokS
Spawn Fragger 6 • ParadokS
Unluckiest Spawner 6 razor, Scenic
Saturday 06 Sep 2003, 22:16
it will be interesting to see if para's is just going psycho in this game or if his aim really does prove to be more effective in gl. i will look forward to seeing if para still uses gl when sd and nqr get going. but his tracking with the shaft seemed especially brutal when he took mate by the quad; it seemed to me that, despite mate's excellent footwork, para just tracked him down without wasting a cell. but time will tell whether gl really has done or it can be attributed to other stuff. a fun game btw.
Sunday 07 Sep 2003, 00:11

finally para learned from his true master, ME!

Sunday 07 Sep 2003, 02:48
Vem bryr sig om du spelar med gl eller lego para... Tro inte att du ?r n?tt. Du g?r dig bara l?jlig n?r du tror att du ?r n?n typ av qw-mentor.. haha, l?gg ner. Jag minns back in the days n?r du spelade med en hackad qizmo, och nu ?r du helt pl?tsligt emot kfjump osv.. haha, enbart l?jligt. once a cheater always a cheater.
Sunday 07 Sep 2003, 03:16
shut the fuck up
Sunday 07 Sep 2003, 03:25
"Sweden" stop being such an asshole. Ofcourse its interesting to know that para swiched to gl since he is one of the most respected qw players ever. You r just lame :(
Sunday 07 Sep 2003, 05:23
go para! some mad skills with gl :< finally even you have learned how good gl is! :) see u in nqrfinal!
Sunday 07 Sep 2003, 06:02
Told ya gl is teh $$$$ :<
Sunday 07 Sep 2003, 07:01
pah, let'see is gl still good when we are playing against top clans, where you have to hit every rocket and sg. It's pretty lame to upload demos, because you just changed the client. Milton played with gl and won duelmania3, but you need good sg aim in 4on4 and with vga is much better than in gl.
Sunday 07 Sep 2003, 07:51
we will just see about that =)
Sunday 07 Sep 2003, 08:12
Sweden: It's easy shouting things like that from behind a fake name isnt it?
Sunday 07 Sep 2003, 13:52
omg para switched to gl?! phew, this should be on frontpage!
Sunday 07 Sep 2003, 14:42
but why the gay rez? scoop some euros together and buy a 1.5ghz+ cpu and ti4600+...

if you dont have that.... then ":("

ok now to see the demo :)
Sunday 07 Sep 2003, 14:43
(i used to be "320x200 software forever!!!".... but then i got new hardware, and now im "1600x1200x32x72 gl forever" :).... )

see for probably the BIGGEST change in playing environment EVER!!!! :)
Sunday 07 Sep 2003, 15:11
hmm.. losing 5min pent threw a wrench in sr's otherwise smoothly oiled works...

also theres funny moment when para quad-shafts scenic into ra... a really nice battle for 11:30 quad... a funny 13:30 quad run by razor, and more then enough spawn-telefrags and team-quad ff

"team quad need A H RL"

thats generally a bad thing.

Tuesday 09 Sep 2003, 12:33
phil, 640x480 just owns for hardcore gaming, controls generally tend to get less responsive in higher resolutions like 1024x768 or higher.

also, with a crt monitor, you can easily crank up the refresh rate to 120 or even 160 Hz, for ultimate smoothness.
Tuesday 09 Sep 2003, 12:43
o btw, for synchronized cl_maxfps/refresh rate users, here my view on this issue (reflected on q3, same applies to qw for 77 fps):
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