Arena (POVDMM4)
3 minutes, Deathmatch 4, Teamplay 2
Sat 25 March 2006 on TERRA - QW KT-PRO 1.66 #3
low avg high team total players
32 32 32 red 21 1
37 38 37 pink 13 1
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths
32 0 21 red *AnM*•Simps 21 13
37 0 13 pink al-qaeda 13 21
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 61.8 *AnM*•Simps
Frag Streak 3 *AnM*•Simps
Tuesday 28 Mar 2006, 10:09
What the hell? 55% LG?
Who is this guy?
Friday 31 Mar 2006, 18:30
It'd be even more impressive if his opponent didn't move like a total newbie :P He/She moved in one direction too often. Not hard to shaft with high % against that. Still fairly impressive , though.
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