Duel (DM6)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
Sun 21 March 2004 on Rzarecta's KTPRo
low avg high team total players RA GA
180 180 180 1 28 1 17 3
52 52 52 De 0 1 0 0
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths RA GA
180 0 28 1 *AnM*•Simps 28 0 17 3
52 8 0 De De_Paradoxical 0 28 0 0
64 0 spectator brazil 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 100.0 *AnM*•Simps
Frag Streak 28 *AnM*•Simps
Spawn Fragger 1 *AnM*•Simps
Unluckiest Spawner 1 De_Paradoxical
Sunday 21 Mar 2004, 18:20
Q merda de jogo......paradox duck d+.....socava at? com ping 500
Monday 22 Mar 2004, 16:07
BogoJoker Aka (.JJ.)
Yo simp. Is it you i played the other day?

My name: .JJ.
Your name: [ANM]Simp

I cant wait to check out the demo. You said you were from brazil. Any chance someone could post the pings of the players here if they have a chance. Simp played me on dm6 with a 150 ping and we went into overtime in two of my favorite matchs.
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