2vs2 (ZTNDM3)
  • bulldozer
  • proz
  • Traxler
Rating: 4.0 (8 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
Mon 17 January 2005 on Smooth Kteams Pro Chicago
low avg high team total players RA YA GA Quad
38 38 38 saud 60 2 11 10 22 5
41 60 77 red 59 2 12 12 18 5
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA GA QUAD
41 0 32 red proz 34 0 31 6 8 9 2
38 0 31 saud EG_SAUDAKUR 34 2 38 8 4 6 2
38 0 29 saud Traxler 34 2 34 3 6 16 3
77 0 27 red bulldozer 30 1 46 6 4 9 3
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 52.5 proz
Frag Streak 10 EG_SAUDAKUR
Quad Runner 4 EG_SAUDAKUR
Spawn Fragger 6 EG_SAUDAKUR
Unluckiest Spawner 7 bulldozer
Sunday 16 Jan 2005, 18:53
pfft..figures :/ 1v1?
Tuesday 18 Jan 2005, 18:52
The Hotness
Noob question of the year -- Why do N.A. players upload demos just to show they beat someone? It's not like there is a good rivalry... most demos don't even get over the fifteen d/l mark.

*hint* Nobody cares. *hint*
Sunday 26 Jun 2005, 15:14
well, this one is at 16 already :)
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