Duel (DM4)
Rating: 2.0 (12 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
Wed 05 February 2003 on GOOGLES: KTEAMS #1
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA YA GA
172 5 37 lkjasdf 39 5 11 2 7
74 1 -6 kutless 1 53 6 3 10
68 0 spec sdf 0 0 0 0 0
56 1 spec TeAcH 0 0 0 0 0
101 0 spec goont- 0 0 0 0 0
88 0 spec james bong 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 27 lkjasdf
Spawn Fragger 5 lkjasdf
Friday 07 Feb 2003, 13:46
this isent reload
Friday 07 Feb 2003, 17:06
but still well played for ping 170 :o
Friday 07 Feb 2003, 20:18
Umm ok
Saturday 08 Feb 2003, 19:40
what is it with everyone posting demos up of anon ppl using reloads nik?

how the fuck does this site allow shit like that?

Somethings seriously fucked here...
Saturday 08 Feb 2003, 22:19
last time i checked there was 5 reload demos on the ipgn quake servers just waiting to be downloaded
Sunday 09 Feb 2003, 06:58
Nicknames are not registered trademarks (yet). Everyone can feel free to use any nickname he desires and probably is allowed to submit demos to this site.
Monday 10 Feb 2003, 05:27
true - but it's blantantly obvious that this has been sent in as a demo of Reload from Australia. People assume its him and whoever sent it in knows that.

It should be taken down.
Tuesday 11 Feb 2003, 21:01

Oh man. Rule number one to impersonating reload: Make sure you have a perfect aim!!!!!

Fuck man I just needed to watch the first 1 minute of the game before I quit in boredom.

Two of the crappest players ever to submit a demo.

Saturday 15 Feb 2003, 18:20
Im guessing ibh123 and karnage ;)
Reload has a 630 sensitivity thank you! I think I played that guy too, he uses many different aliases, last time I checked he was blossom!

Who is this HPB man of mistery!?
Monday 17 Feb 2003, 16:40
the guy who past this demo, insult qw :(
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