Duel (DM6)
Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
Tue 31 December 2002 on Quakeworld.nu 1on1 #1
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA GA
29 0 23 RaptoR 25 30 18 12
28 3 22 Repulsive 26 33 0 0
13 1 spec skeppern 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 9 RaptoR
Spawn Fragger 1 Repulsive
Tuesday 31 Dec 2002, 21:22
GG, but where are the dm4 demos? ;)
Wednesday 01 Jan 2003, 18:40
As RaptoR himself points out at the start of this demo, he seems pretty rusty, with unstabile aim now and then.
I must say though, that It was a pretty entertaining game anyway with nonstop action most of the time.
Nice comeback by RaptoR in the last minutes of the game =B-)
And he should also have some cred for putting up som nice oldie-demos here on chtv.

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