Duel (DM4)
Rating: 3.1 (14 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
Tue 09 November 2004 on TiltTotal.Globo.com QW-KTeam Pro 1.66 #2
low avg high team total players RA YA GA
50 50 50 b 13 1 9 6 12
79 80 79 blue 8 1 13 10 10
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths RA YA GA
50 0 13 b [qf]•corvo 14 14 9 6 12
79 0 8 blue icelady 12 22 13 10 10
27 0 spectator smile 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 50.0 [qf]•corvo
Frag Streak 4 [qf]•corvo
Spawn Fragger 1 icelady
Unluckiest Spawner 1 [qf]•corvo
Monday 29 Nov 2004, 10:19
speak engl. plz =)
Monday 29 Nov 2004, 10:47
qf corvo
Learn portugues! plz =]
Monday 29 Nov 2004, 11:31
learn polish MAN!
Monday 29 Nov 2004, 23:14
learn quake plz ioaupea =*
Tuesday 30 Nov 2004, 10:12
learn to stfu, idijots
Tuesday 30 Nov 2004, 13:59
this is for everybody that's always wanted to see mila (Icelady) get beat. as i recall, that day she said "i've never played you." *maniacal brazilian laughter* here's proof she has!

**this message brought to you free of charge by Brazilian Quake-Drama Translation Services
Tuesday 30 Nov 2004, 23:54
#6 She? Are these females playing? * Imaging naked chicks playing Quake on Linux machines *
Wednesday 01 Dec 2004, 07:48
suck my cock brazil cunts
Wednesday 01 Dec 2004, 10:36
For those who didnt know Icelady is Killcreek, whom now lives in Brazil.
Wednesday 01 Dec 2004, 18:29
If that's true, that's pretty cool :)
Sunday 19 Dec 2004, 20:51
worht the dl just for nate?s comment:

"maniacal brazilian laugher" haha

i almost pissed my pants off when i read that.
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