Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA YA GA
15 0 37 nick 37 3 15 8 3
13 0 1 jono 3 41 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 24 nick
Tuesday 06 Aug 2002, 17:53
aero for the people. fun game.
Tuesday 06 Aug 2002, 18:46
btw, pinky is this from some lan in nz recently? if so, put up some more aero demos especially, as i i like your aggressive style:) also i'd like to have more uk and other euro qw players see just how much fun and truly competitive this map can be. You guys from downunder have always known this...it is time for the preacher's masterpiece to be used in more duel and 2v2 tourneys imo.
Tuesday 06 Aug 2002, 20:20
Tourney on aerowalk & ztndm3!!!
btw, gg
Tuesday 06 Aug 2002, 21:05
whoa, an xhrl comment!
thanks man :)

this game is just from me lanning with my flatmate since we lost net access for a while. That's why it's played a bit loosely sometimes :)

only put this aero one up because it seems nobody wants my dm6 (fav map) demos, but why would you when you could watch dag, griffin and paradoks instead? :D
Wednesday 07 Aug 2002, 06:49
blaze, naked3 is kinda fun too :)
Kind of dm4 action, with different levels and so on

baby roo powah :)
Wednesday 07 Aug 2002, 08:31
Good to see some nice aerowalk-action again.
Btw, I think that naked3, naked4(?), ztndm3, ztndm5 and aerowalk should be played more often.
Those are all entertaining maps imo.
Anyway, good game!

Wednesday 07 Aug 2002, 19:45
nice to see som action from new zeeland :P
Friday 16 Aug 2002, 06:05
pinky is the peoples champion
Friday 16 Aug 2002, 06:14
aerowalk may be fun, but use it in tournaments i think never will happend, because modifiying dm2,dm4,dm6 mapset would destroy the proffessional in duel (it should be as it _always_ has imo just as same as dm2,dm3,e1m2 is the 4on4 maps)
Saturday 17 Aug 2002, 10:21
hate to burst the bubble or something.....but there really isn't that much of a proffessional qw scene to speak of.

hard to destroy something that isn't really there :(

crank aero in comps...it's really hard to play boring on!
Monday 19 Aug 2002, 19:26
it is fun and---this is the key point---it is also a competitive and challenging map to play well; it has a lot of depth to it, especially for the display of madskillz. yes, pnky you are right; it should be kranked up in duel tournies. unfortunately not many agree with me on this point. but such is life.
Saturday 31 Aug 2002, 14:05
(author not available)
I do agree on aero. NO other custom maps.
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