Duel (DM6)
Rating: 5.0 (10 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA GA
36 0 14 LakermaN_of_SC 16 16 0 0
32 0 11 ParadokS_W 12 18 7 13
28 0 spec Gooc 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 5 ParadokS_W
Spawn Fragger 1 LakermaN_of_SC
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 06:02
eh? =)
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 06:16
Fun old thingie to see.
Para opens pretty good but Laker ger igen f?r gammal ost.
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 09:35
Yea, nice to see this old game! The movement has improved greatly since this, off course! What I find more interesting though, is that the aim was utterly shitty compared to today! Movement is a developing thing, whereas aim is much more basic - put your crosshair on that dude... In this one, rls fly all over the place, and the shaft is not very stable... Why doesn't 10 hours a day produce a better shaft and rl? I don't know...
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 10:44
Question is how many cheats did para have here? ;)
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 11:14
:) I dont think u saw the demo.... Para shows excellent aim here ... both with shaft and rl ...
Lakerman plays better tactic and wins .. if u did se the demo u need 2 se it again..
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 11:34
must say it?s nice demos ur sending up mr raptor :) plz continue with it if u have some more :)
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 12:38
RaptoR: I saw the demo! My impression was that both para's and laker's shaft was nothing compared to todays "good" shafts. Wich I found strange, since they both had more day by day quake in their arms than any players today...
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 12:47
pecka > * all i gotta say ;) ;) ;)
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 12:55
hawk > pecka > * yes.
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 13:07
hmm i seriously doubt this is 1997-1996 as you claim, it looks more like around '99.. i see para attempts that lg door jump to gl, something which kane introduced, if i'm not mistaken, on or just before TGI

the aim here is nothing short of exceptional, rivaling today's aim..

also pay close attention to para's 7th frag, coming out of MH tunnel... super high fov? nah.. hax? ;)
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 14:16
LOL Phil no para wasent cheatin.. I was there when he played the demo.. yes infact para played with a very high fov at that time. Not sure what he plays with now though. I belive it was about fov 130 might have bin 125. Lakerman allways camps like that so that is what u might think laker ?would do.
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 14:17
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 14:23
I dident say aim was exceptional. I am just saying.. aim is close 2 todays aim. And there is a reson 2 ppl not movin so quick those days.. the qwcl client have changed much since then. Its alot easyer 2 move fast now.
Monday 30 Dec 2002, 18:10
well para never saw laker on that 7th frag, i was watching the demo with 120 fov (my usual) and i even rewatched that frag with 160 with slow motion, so its obviously just predictability

aim was very good, i can't deny that... and yeah i agree, although they didnt bunny around locktar style, 1) they wouldnt against one another out of respect (read: fear) 2) the few bunnies that they (well, from para's pov) DID do, were quite well executed

good demo all in all! (at least laker didnt win tgi for nothing)
Tuesday 31 Dec 2002, 05:54
i dont think kane made that move up with the lg?

wasnt this done when u couldnt even buny with more than 45 fps?

i rem i use to cap fps to 40-45 and i was called a cheat for bunny, no1 could do it. i think lakermna stopped b4 bunny was very popular, was only a few people in the world who knew the secret of how to do it, at the time.
Tuesday 31 Dec 2002, 07:36
isnt there a date on the demo file?
Tuesday 31 Dec 2002, 12:47
well im not all that sure that kane came up with that lg move either, but i was just trying to say that this demo is quite later than 96-97

btw, the original bunny hop article: http://planetquake.com/legacy/Articles/ZigZag/
Tuesday 31 Dec 2002, 20:37
If my memory serves me correctly, Lakerman and Kane both retired very shortly before the new style of bunny hopping became known. I'm not sure if anyone even knew how to do it at the time (maybe sK-Jimbob?).

I also do not recall Kane being the originator of the dm6 platform rocket jump/lightning gun jump.
Tuesday 31 Dec 2002, 21:10
I think sectopod(not sure if that was his name) did a nice rj bunny from MH on dm4 i think. at TGI.
Wednesday 01 Jan 2003, 03:02
True I remember sectopod being the the first reely fast bunny hopper. I even think he was the first 2 do the MH from dm4 RL jump. I have a demo where he plays sujoy. Where sujoys says how the hell can u move so fast. heheh

Maby para know when demo is from.
Wednesday 01 Jan 2003, 06:57
Nope it was Wilco and Nator from IoP (icon of pain) who came up with the lg trick on dm6. Atleast they posted the first demos of it...
Thursday 02 Jan 2003, 04:31
yeh i rem the secto move, was realy somthing new at the time.
Thursday 02 Jan 2003, 06:28
IRRC giant introduced that jump from LG to GL, ask methos about it.
Friday 03 Jan 2003, 21:35
the demo is from june in 1999, I know this coz I lived right next to para and raptor :)

/me sl?r rappe med en huskekage
Saturday 04 Jan 2003, 05:26
Its cann't be around 97-96, cos QuakeWorld 2.3 is out at august 28, 1998.
Friday 07 Feb 2003, 01:46
if the aim doesn't seem spectacular.. well.. maybe it was because they didn't have the FPS/cpu power to have perfect gaming like today...
Sunday 01 Jun 2003, 08:12
Wasn?t it dizzy who thought sectopod how to bunny?
Sunday 01 Jun 2003, 08:14
taught even
Tuesday 24 Aug 2004, 16:07
Wow, old stuff. Movement was very poor for being midd 99'.. in speedrunning, in 99' the movement was already amazing by some of the players. :)
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