CTF (E2M2)
  • [KoI]•qloOn•
  • [KoI]•vinnie•
  • ckrdQm
  • hankis
  • 2fast4u
  • 2hrz4u
  • mixen
  • romDQm
Rating: 3.0 (4 votes)
15 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 419
low avg high team total players RA YA GA Quad
12 25 33 red 1035 4 28 53 16 14
25 38 43 blue 175 4 13 16 9 3
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths RA YA GA QUAD
26 0 299 red romDQm 80 6 25 4 2 13
28 0 277 red 2fast4u 52 21 1 23 4 1
12 0 246 red 2hrz4u 42 28 2 22 5 0
33 0 213 red mixen 19 45 0 4 5 0
43 1 47 blue [KoI]•vinnie• 22 51 5 10 3 1
42 0 44 blue [KoI]•qloOn• 17 70 4 3 4 1
38 0 42 blue ckrdQm 12 51 3 3 2 1
25 0 42 blue hankis 17 61 1 0 0 0
12 0 spectator dag 0 0 0 0 0 0
133 0 spectator piano_dog(D_P) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 98.7 romDQm
Frag Streak 53 romDQm
Quad Runner 10 romDQm
Spawn Fragger 10 romDQm
Unluckiest Spawner 10 [KoI]•qloOn•
Friday 18 Feb 2005, 07:03
Nice demo indeed. It's an 4vs4 mix, but to dm players that's more then logical :)

Teams are a bit unbalanced, but not really big. The biggest difference is that Romeo's team has tactics (not highly advanced, it's still a mix) and the other team lacks organisation.
Romeo uses the resistance rune very well, it always looks a bit defensive to me since players with the resistance rune always tend to run for armor really quick, but that's obvious since you don't want to see the other team with the res rune.

Anyways I remember romeo joining the dutch ctf server about 1.5 year ago and he used to be quite an easy frag:(
Friday 18 Feb 2005, 07:50
Oh I forgot, must download imo.
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