Hmm i have secret fan who posted this lame demos or maybe someone hates me so much :)?
Monday 27 Jan 2003, 13:44
so it?s u playing? :)
Monday 27 Jan 2003, 15:07
your first post really szhows that its you stupid fucker :) and your secret fun is your right hand :) spank it bitch
Monday 27 Jan 2003, 15:32
B((((((((((((((((((( Kosa i sexi leave him alone ;< Hagge for president :|
Monday 27 Jan 2003, 18:08
lol my first post shows that im an idiot? so hagge would be king of idiots. lol i just added it becouse im dl demos from chtv every day, chill out kid, and get a life ?
Tuesday 28 Jan 2003, 15:23
you are really dumb!!! buahahaha read you post fucker :) check this, your first post is what the fuck so it shows that is you playing ... and you have secret fan :) that is only you, and i am not telling that somone who writes first post is an idiot, you are an idiot beciause you cant read !!
Tuesday 28 Jan 2003, 16:19
nerd wars rlz!
Tuesday 28 Jan 2003, 17:16
omg... suck me i can upload better demos with real nicks and good 1on1 action, these demos are lame, fuck off kid, just becouse i r so lame doesnt mean that i am, im not playing qw anymore even, so stop insulting me, i have never uploaded my 1on1 demo od chtv coz u suck, SO FUCK OFF I SHIT ON U :(
Tuesday 28 Jan 2003, 17:17
omg im loaded UR SO LAME ahhahahahahha really stupid :(
Sunday 09 Feb 2003, 15:16
ksa sucker
so you shouldn'y even talk and nobody would know that is you ... kosa the biggest lamer in qw ... opinion said by many people