Duel (DM4)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
Mon 06 January 2003 on qh-lan #5 duel #19
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA YA GA
14 0 21 cepet 24 17 10 8 9
13 0 7 Koopa 11 32 12 7 12
44 1 spec THE SOURCE 0 0 0 0 0
28 0 spec UL 0 0 0 0 0
34 0 spec ultra 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 12 cepet
Spawn Fragger 4 cepet
Monday 19 May 2003, 04:22
omg this cepet seem to be real tight, koopa was good but he couldnt get up to cepet's standard :<
Cant wait for some more rape demos like these. Keep up the good work who ever uploading these demos! ;D
Monday 19 May 2003, 04:54
So kiddo war on chtv :EEEEE bann lame scripts!
Monday 19 May 2003, 05:07
btw, its not fun to watch all these mistakes B< this demo is highly NOT recomnded.
Monday 19 May 2003, 06:06
its as boring as watching kosa demos or even koopa demoz. furthermore i dont think youre in a position to say anything mr freefrag. not that ez for cepet to play good when he playz q3 regulary and hasn't played since duelmania #2.
Monday 19 May 2003, 10:45
Who is cepet anyway?
Since I haven?t seen ultra on the servers for a long while, I thought that maybe it?s him?
Anyone who knows for sure?

Monday 19 May 2003, 11:48
never heard of him B< Anonymous im not so ez as u think especially now, btw who are u ? do u play qw? well u r commentating every demo on chtv and i have never seen on of yours B< maybe u r not even freefrag, maybe u r only fag B<
Monday 19 May 2003, 13:33
Oh here we go. More flaming of Koopa. I thought we'd left this in the past. Basically if you think he sucks so much, you underestimate him very badly.

Yes I know it's lame to say this but although he didn't make them he had at least 100 good excuses for not winning QH-Lan. The main one being that he played with an MX500 mouse which he hated, which was why he mutilated it to try and make it playable (now he's gone back to his old ball mouse.) Even then he only went out of the tournament because everyone kept making him play dm2!

BTW who is cepet? When I first saw this demo from QH-lan I thought it was 4K^Vega and they were just messing about...but watching it again I don't think so any more...
Monday 19 May 2003, 13:35
actually I jsut looked down a bit.....someone else posted that old koopa-griffin demo so this is clearly some sort of 'retaliation.'

What was that about QW players being older and more mature? :D
Monday 19 May 2003, 14:04
well kosa i've played you and you're pretty easy :>

furthermore i doubt cepet would want his realnick to be revealed in since this demo doesn't show more than how rusty one can get after some months of inactivity. As for rev's reasons why koopa didn't win I'd say one big factor is that he is pretty poor on dm2 and especially dm6 (atleast compared to top dueller standards). He's ok on dm4 tough.
Monday 19 May 2003, 15:19
play me now lets make cams etc and proove me that u r better i dont think u have played me coz i NEVER play duels especially abroad. Everyone can say U R EASY I HAVE PLAYED U lol anon, u r easy i raped u 40:0 on dm4 zzzzzzzzz PLZ STOP THIS SHIT play me now or cut the crap coz u r acting like fuckin lamer
Monday 19 May 2003, 15:49
I discovered my mistake when watching one of the demos.
So it?s not ultra, but who is cepet?
GG btw.

Monday 19 May 2003, 16:46
actually i won you easy on thE soBol duel servers where i have 70ms and you 26ms. but sure, duel anytime, gimme your full nick on irc.
Monday 19 May 2003, 17:32
26 ms on sobol ? E:E:E::E SO LAME 42 is BEST i can get there and im telling u U FUCKING LIEING LAMER i DONT PLAY DUELS only for fun with friensd but i can play u anytime my full name on irc? lol? kosa? actually [-kosa-] when im wearing hgc format, i wonder what will u do when i post demo where u loose :EEEEEE omg i cant w8 U HAVE NEVER PLAYED ME coz thats impossible, its your mistake :E
Monday 19 May 2003, 17:34
and i have lost dm4 duel hmm veeeery long time ego, i think it was 1 year or something vs avenger zzzz omg26 on SOBOL gg Anonymous hahaha, it wasnt me, its not nice to lie like that B<
Monday 19 May 2003, 23:14
now we need to see reppie vs. cepet ;)
i wonder whos going to win...
Tuesday 20 May 2003, 02:35
kosa alright then someone is fakenicking as you. anyway i'll msg u and see if u still want 2 play.
myth: i wouldn't be too sure.
Tuesday 20 May 2003, 05:00
Yeah i think so, one time hagge said that he has played me and it really wasnt me, i had 1 month break becouse my mainboard went down and during that time someone was fakenicking. So lame, but in Poland thats normal :E yeah we will play maybe even tonight :)
sorry for being rude i was pissed off :E
Tuesday 20 May 2003, 11:04
ej i co graliscie juz ? :E
Wednesday 21 May 2003, 12:17
Kosa przegrales na dm4 ostatni raz rok temu ? Hahahaha LOL , przeciez ty jestes slabiutki na dm4 :\ Unikasz dueli z lepszymi jak Eter , Ave, Immo, Intege itp na dm4 :\ Wszyscy wiedza nawet w europie jak sie zapytasz kogos czy zna jakiegos polskiego gracza : "i know lamers like Kosa" GG.
Thursday 22 May 2003, 07:24
someone on MIRC said cepet was seroz
Thursday 22 May 2003, 08:41
hehe kosa, so all the caps-typing was actually serious? :)
Thursday 22 May 2003, 15:39
Friday 23 May 2003, 19:18
A Ty cleric taki maczo jestes ze nika sie boisz ujawnic ? :( I nie przesadzaj z tym ze immortal i intege sa niby tacy dobzi , bo nie sa ...
Saturday 24 May 2003, 10:36
To fajnie , ze ty jestes taki dobry :] A co do tych dwoch , dla Kosy jesli chodzi o duele (nie liczac dm6) to sa za dobzi :( Wogole to ciekawe czemu wy sie nie podpisujecie pod demami , bo pewnie te dema vs troll na dm2 wrzuciles ty , kosa albo billy ? So lame :( Szkoda , ze nie wrzuca tych kiedy przegrali :)
Saturday 24 May 2003, 12:24
Ja wrzucilem swoje bo usmialem sie po tym jak sie dowiedzialem co troll gada... A teraz sie zastanow co za glupek bedzie wrzucal dema w ktorych przegrywa?? Poza tym z trolem nigdy nie przegralem wiec nie moglbym takiego wrzucic :(
Saturday 24 May 2003, 12:34
troll ja z toba nie przegralem na dm2 nigdy
wrzuc demo jesli tak bylo
Sunday 25 May 2003, 23:37
Insane smutna racja. Dla odmiany Ave moglby takowe dema wrzucic :(
Billy --> sorry , ale nie zgadles , Troll raczej tutaj nie zaglada i nie mam pojecia czy z nim przegrales kiedykolwiek , aczkolwiek chwalic sie tez nie ma czym :). Co do gadania na qw wielu ludzi mowi tam rozne dziwne rzeczy , a wrzucajac te dema daje do zrozumienia , ze wam zalezy na pewien sposob... Hmm ciekawe :).
Sunday 25 May 2003, 23:38
tj dajecie :)
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