Team Deathmatch (DM3)
  • boss cyan
  • boss KovaaK
  • boss myth
  • boss ult
  • bulldozer
  • def
  • Drako
  • pony
Rating: 3.0 (4 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Sun 17 July 2005 on OFQSP | Kteams | Jersey #2
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad Pent
31 56 116 mix 182 4 13 6 12 2
36 63 94 the 53 4 0 0 0 0
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD PENT
39 0 75 mix def 78 3 8 13 6 12 2
38 0 48 mix pony 50 2 4 0 0 0 0
116 0 34 mix bulldozer 35 1 3 0 0 0 0
31 0 25 mix Drako 28 0 57 0 0 0 0
37 0 19 the boss ult 21 0 47 0 0 0 0
36 0 12 the boss KovaaK 12 0 49 0 0 0 0
82 0 11 the boss cyan 16 2 59 0 0 0 0
94 12 11 the boss myth 16 1 54 0 0 0 0
91 2 spectator hangtime 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 0 spectator rline 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 0 spectator steek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 0 spectator X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
77 0 spectator ziel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
100 0 spectator gore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 0 spectator aardappel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
104 1 spectator player 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 92.3 pony
Frag Streak 42 def
Quad Runner 6 def
Spawn Fragger 3 pony
Unluckiest Spawner 3 boss myth
Monday 18 Jul 2005, 19:53
I happened to spec this live... def's pov is a must watch... he keeps the map under control pretty much the entire match with an underdog team.. a rollercoaster ride.
Tuesday 19 Jul 2005, 15:46
i would say it was an underdog team... def gets only 3rd best effi on his team, but he definitely does enough carrying for all 8 of them...

good watch, some big mistakes in the first minutes by both teams, and some nice luck/shots from def pov
Wednesday 20 Jul 2005, 23:17
Great game, but I dont think def carried them the whole way though. Without bulldozer controlling the RA the way he did (giving def every single RA he came for), they wouldn't have won. The win was a collaborative effort between def and bulldozer, I dont even know what position the other two guys were playing.

I think Boss is so set in their ways on honing their skills on how to control a map, they forgot to learn how to take a map back - in the rare event that the other team locks it down. I belive def got at least 3 or 4 easy kills per quad from Boss members (all going for the quad) rushing 0/100 at him when he was fully stacked.

Hard to criticize Boss though, this is the first game I've seen them lose. Pickup or tournament-wise. Maybe this is an inkling on how to beat them? Start hard and go strong. Be bold motherfucker. It doesn't matter how good you are, a 0/100 with a shotgun vs a 200/100 with a rl is going to lose, and def proved it in spades with this game.

Thursday 21 Jul 2005, 00:59
ive seen boss lose before (well, back when they were just formed) and i meant to say "it was NOT an underdog team" in my previous post... bd and zodiak out-effied def after all

and boss had great quad-rush strat (esp. cyan as always), def was just not making any mistakes. rushing a 200/100 rler with 0/100 sgers can have quite a good effect sometimes, especially if the rler makes a couple mistakes.

bd's ra was solid, except for the first minute or so HEHEHE when he fucks up right in front of def, but def cleans up after him neatly
Thursday 21 Jul 2005, 04:07
Since when did eff mean anything? I've seen people own at pov but suck in duels and teamgames. I've also seen people get raped but still had higher eff stats (except for frags) also if you have a solid teamplayer on your team, you're gonna play better. You might even get a better fragcount than the person carrying you but without them covering your back gotten owned.

A good teammate sacrifices eff and frags to maintain control of the map and keep his teammates strong above all else.
Thursday 21 Jul 2005, 07:38
#5, it is true that in unbalanced teams efficiency is not a very good indicator. especially on dm3, the ra keeper is notorous for having high effis, and although the ra job is very important, the quad guy is just as important, but his position involves a lot more risk.

nonetheless, when you have balanced teams, effi does indeed mean anything. these teams were unbalanced but not by a lot -- drako did not have his a-game, but boss's overall poor performance balanced that out

anyway. def on dm3 is an almost guaranteed high efficiency, regardless of the teams. and to see him get not 1st, not even 2nd, but THIRD, is quite a surprise to me. it is certainly evidence to the fact that he did NOT (as he usually does) at all carried the team.
Thursday 21 Jul 2005, 23:54
Drunken russian has to contradict everything.

I swear to god phil, I'll smack you with my bitch-slapping hand.

"rushing a 200/100 rler with 0/100 sgers can have quite a good effect sometimes, especially if the rler makes a couple mistakes."

The key word bieng "somtimes". My point was it was innefective and detrimental in this instance. And def didn't make any mistakes, boss just exponentially increased the frags they lost and perpetuated the cycle by continuing to do it.

Like I said, they aren't used to losing, and have trouble retaking the map when they're down. Thats actually kind of a backhanded compliment if you look at it a certain way. D:

And they smell. Fucking Asians.
Friday 22 Jul 2005, 00:03
well yeah, youre agreeing with me skitter

boss increased the frags, but they really didnt have a choice. if they were to sit back giving free quads, instead of rushing every one, they knew there was more risk involved with def/bd/zod consolidating map control. besides, boss is, as per their #theboss channel, "calm on the outside, hyper on the inside"

this means that they will rush and attack, and try to force you into an error

it just didnt happen here, thats all

qcon. bring.
Friday 22 Jul 2005, 00:05
shit, I guess you're right.

Friday 22 Jul 2005, 00:06
Friday 22 Jul 2005, 00:07
SHUT THE EFF UP SKITTER! You can type and chat on irc with a broken monitor...BUT CANT PLAY QW?! LAME!
Friday 22 Jul 2005, 00:09

which makes qw look like lollerskates. impossible.
Friday 22 Jul 2005, 00:12
SHUT THE EFF UP SKITTER! You can type and chat on irc with a broken monitor...BUT CANT PLAY QW?! LAME!
Friday 22 Jul 2005, 02:21
Friday 22 Jul 2005, 14:18
"def gets only 3rd best effi on his team"

haha, why did you even comment on that. zdk/bd are within 2% of him and they all have above 90%. ;) what i found kinda weird was how low drako's effi. clearly he distracted boss... hehe
Friday 22 Jul 2005, 14:34
Skit, we beat boss quite often with m@cs (yogic, def, cholo and me) when only boss and us were around. We even took them down with a mix-team in the first official games they played! The feared 'team pink' (Cholo, arma, blak, me) took them down!

After that with 5am aswell I guess with HT too, so it's not like boss never lost, you must've missed it.

They are simply the best team around on the NA scene atm, but I'm sure that 5am ain't gonna lose next season! \o/
Friday 22 Jul 2005, 20:52
As boring as it is, it's nice to see def spending his time playing, instead of making a pain of himself on with all the IBC passwords..
Friday 05 Aug 2005, 07:41
hehe. deffy with quad is hot :e
Sunday 12 Mar 2006, 09:14
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