Duel (DM6)
boss KovaaK
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
Fri 11 February 2005 on QuakeWorld.US East KtPro #2
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA GA
20 1 47 boss KovaaK 47 3 21 4
32 1 2 ult 3 49 4 18
282 0 spec pg 0 0 0 0
41 0 spec skiz 0 0 0 0
27 0 spec $abretooth 0 0 0 0
77 0 spec ward 0 0 0 0
74 7 spec myth 0 0 0 0
51 0 spec cyan-gym 0 0 0 0
116 0 spec splash 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 21 boss KovaaK
Spawn Fragger 3 boss KovaaK
Monday 11 Jul 2005, 17:56
who cares?
Monday 11 Jul 2005, 22:10
How much different is CTF from DM? I mean in CTF can't you still bunny, shoot weapons the same way, and shit?

Wouldn't it make sense that CTF players started playing DM, then played CTF, and then possibly back to DM?

Do you honestly think Phil, that Ult would of done much better against Kovaak this game now? Kov looks on-fire this game and there's quite a leap between players like Ult and players like Kov :)

I mean if you said Ult came from CS, or Quake3, or even Netquake that might seem more impressive, but qw ctf is like.. uh, so? Please explain.
Monday 11 Jul 2005, 23:55
To answer some questions, CTF players in general didn't know how to accel jump whenever they started DM. Most would start bunny hops off of about 400ups at most and still not optimally gain speed once in the air. The reason for this is the grapple. I believe you can instantly gain 800 (correct number?) ups right off a the click of a mouse with some decent grappling skills, and accel jumps have no effect on this... similarly, it tends to be more effective to re-grapple in a direction instead of turn through many sharp corners that you would otherwise lose speed on.

The only things that stay the same between CTF and DM are the weapons and general notion of air movement. Strategy gets completely changed as there is no flag, so it requires that CTF players rethink how they play the game, despite the fact that it almost feels like what they are used to.

Ult has learned a lot in how DM duels are played since this game, but he has learned even more about DM 4on4. While you may be right that Ult isn't at the top level of play yet, I wouldn't assume that he won't be there eventually :).
Wednesday 13 Jul 2005, 14:39
I liked this demo in that I got to see kovaak play a little bit of +forward (it seemed anyway) which is rare :X

Nicely said Kovaak
Wednesday 13 Jul 2005, 15:14
I liked this demo in that I got to see kovaak play a little bit of +forward (it seemed anyway) which is rare :X

Nicely said Kovaak
Wednesday 13 Jul 2005, 17:37
Kovaak just owns, he has a strong combination of stealth, movement, accuracy and prediction. I never thought of Kovaak much as a defensive player. You certainly could never imply that he's CS.

On the subject of ctf, I concur there is a difference in strategy and the use of grapple does change ones focus when it comes to movement. I still feel that the learning curve is much more slight adapting to DM than it would be coming from the other game platforms aforementioned. It also seems obvious to me that a CTF player would have dabbled and played DM here and there throughout the years and probably watched their share of demos. Even though bunny-hopping is less useful in CTF I'm sure it still proves to be advantageous in many situations, therefore the better players adopt it into their playing style. Also, the weapons and timing of the game are all the same, and the clients and options similarly are the same so there's little need to evolve and improve ones config when transitioning to DM.

For these reasons I find it strange when people are like, "oh he's from ctf, so it's amazing he's playing so well in so little time". I mean virtually it's the same but one would have to adapt to not using grapple, and change their mindset from chasing flags to chasing frags, and learn a little strategy on not so unfamiliar maps.
Thursday 14 Jul 2005, 18:40
Kovaak is a newb with some tricks, but he gives good mouth.

Friday 22 Jul 2005, 18:59
I agree! SUP FUCKERS!? hello from Istanbul...
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