Arena (POVDMM4)
3 minutes, Deathmatch 4, Teamplay 2
Tue 07 March 2006 on OFQSP | Ktpro | New Jersey
low avg high team total players
40 40 40 iam 20 1
58 58 58 12 1
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths
40 0 20 iam mp3 20 12
58 0 12 ripper 12 20
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 62.5 mp3
Frag Streak 3 mp3
Monday 06 Mar 2006, 23:41
just showing off my hax to everybody. Adrian isnt' hacking:(
Tuesday 07 Mar 2006, 00:00
showing hax on pov?
Tuesday 07 Mar 2006, 01:06
it's quite obvious my spawn haxxx
Tuesday 07 Mar 2006, 01:16

Just a quick side question, what ethnic background are you?
Tuesday 07 Mar 2006, 01:32
that's a funny question.. can't tell you why but i'm sure somebody knows why:)
Tuesday 07 Mar 2006, 01:42
Yeah, it's an off-the-wall question. The reason I ask is because I heard you were Chinese and then in a cha-tv demo from a short while back your opponent seemed to imply you were Polish.
Tuesday 07 Mar 2006, 01:49
a chinese pollock! no wonder he doesn't want to share his ethnicity (is that a word?)
Tuesday 07 Mar 2006, 08:01
Bane is not a nip.I should know hes my son
Wednesday 08 Mar 2006, 09:22
Dude, if you're going to post pov demos, at least pretend to be a girl. Renatija could teach you a thing or two :(
Wednesday 08 Mar 2006, 13:27
she sure is hot!
Wednesday 08 Mar 2006, 14:11

I calculated your spawn prediction accuracy for this demo. I broke it up into 3 categories:

Full Prediction - where you were facing the spawn spot with full intent your opponent was going to spawn

Half Prediction - where you seemed to think the opponent was going to spawn but look towards another spawn point ever so briefly before the spawn

No Prediction - A total misprediction altogether

Total predictions made: 21
Full: 8
Half: 1
No: 12

8.5 is 40.48% of 21

While 40.48% isn't bad, to me it is barely above average. This demo hardly indicates any sort of a cheat. You'll have to do much better than this.
Wednesday 08 Mar 2006, 14:19
Oh and for the record by default without any sort of guesswork with the exception of assuming the player is going to spawn at the same point as their last (you seldemly spawn at the same point twice in a row), you should be able to statistically get 33.33% spawn prediction. 1 of 3 possible spawn points = 33.33%
Wednesday 08 Mar 2006, 14:28
...with the exception of assuming the player *ISN'T going to spawn at the same point...

Thus eliminating the 4th spawn point from the equation.
Wednesday 08 Mar 2006, 22:17
if u ever seen a povdemo with UL, u know what spawnhax are. never played against a more lucky player when it comes to spawns :p
Thursday 09 Mar 2006, 04:26

I decided I'm going to bump your prediction calculation to 44.74%

The reason being is because it would have been more accurate to say there was 21 opponent spawns of which only 19 were actual predictions. The first spawn you spawn simultantiously with the opponent and there was another time when you also spawned simultaneosly making it impossible to have time to do any sort of prediction.
Thursday 09 Mar 2006, 04:34

That's actually is a fairly impressive stat. See if you can beat it :p
Sunday 19 Mar 2006, 23:22
wow thanks you.... heh
Sunday 19 Mar 2006, 23:23
what's a pollock
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