hey but i think you're sexy.. http://studwww.ira.uka.de/~s_beisle/quaker-pics/mixu2.jpg
and kinda trendy. sup.
Wednesday 08 Sep 2004, 14:20
and i'm curious.. can you unblock toilets with that hair?
Wednesday 08 Sep 2004, 18:36
okay, im the pathethic one because of ..... my haircut and my fashion ?
The only one pathethic here is you, a small, unimportant, anonymous challenge-tv poster who has little to add but remarks about ones haircut.
I feel for you man, you can open up to me anytime k
x x x
Thursday 09 Sep 2004, 10:46
mIXu's midget friend
small and unimportant..making you important? lol. Obviously you have a lot to add, such as..oh wait, no.
Anyway, you're missing the point little boy. Not once have you responded with anything worthy. Just have to read the other url to see that..bah. Thus i shall stop trying to mock you, as you do a better job of it than I ever could.. without even trying.